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Excel UV Air Purifier

The Excel UV Air Purifier is designed to change the molecular structure of the contaminants through DNA Sterilization and Photo-Oxidation using UV-C (254nm), destroying both biological and chemical contaminants. It will kill mold, bacteria and viruses! Simply mount inside the Indoor Air Handler or ductwork and easily wire the power supply to your existing 24V control in your Indoor Air Handler.

Package Comes complete with

  • Dual Shielded Quartz Germicidal UV-C bulb

  • Mounting Bracket w/ strong magnet 

  • Power Supply w/ watertight connector


  • 100% 254nm Spectrum Germicidal UV-C Bulb

  • Shielded Quartz Hot Filament

  • 18-32 VAC 60Hz, 0.68A 16VA

Key Benefits

  • Destroy mold, bacteria and spores

  • Ozone Free

  • Easily mounted to plenum or inside Indoor Air Handler

  • 24V extremely low power consumption

  • Water Resistant

  • Scrubs your entire rooms volume of air hundreds of times per day!


Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions for the XL Series


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Electric Heater

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Adding a plenum to your Excel Air Systems units  allows you to direct the airflow to the opposite end of your room or easily connect ductwork to your system.